
Directions / Contact


ArtReach Gallery
1126 SW Park Ave
Portland, OR 97205

Wednesdays 10am - 2pm Sundays 9am - 1pm

Contact Curator to make an appointment to see the gallery installation during closed hours.

Dr. Sheldon Hurst, Curator
Tel. 503-748-9419
E.  drsheldonhurst@gmail.com


ArtReach Gallery is a non-profit art gallery located inside the historic downtown First Congregational Church across the park blocks from Portland Art Museum. The gallery's exhibitions affirm the inter-relatedness of the creative arts with the full range of human experience. Curated exhibitions are developed on themes related to personal awareness and social change, to the practice of justice and peace-making, and to the freedom of creative expression. ArtReach gallery is always looking for new ways to see; be sure to come to our events & stay in touch!

Each exhibition includes a reception for the artists and a curator's event - see event schedule for details.